One Spirit

   Integrative Medicine   


               Alberta, Canada

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Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQs)

Please take a moment to read through the following Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQs).  If you don't find an answer to your question, I welcome an email from you at or you may call me at 587-800-5745.

1. What is the difference between a QHHT Level 2 practitioner and a Level 3 practitioner?          

We are conditioned to equate higher levels of something with higher technical ability. In science or dentistry or ballet, this may be true; however, in the case of QHHT practitioners, the term “Level 3” appears to be misunderstood by many who are searching for a QHHT practitioner. I attended QHHT Level 3 in Toronto in October of 2016. Since then, after having a number of clients ask me the difference between Level 2 and Level 3, I feel it is important to offer my personal perspective regarding this particular “level”.

The Level 2 QHHT practitioner is considered to have received instruction in the QHHT technique at an advanced level by learning further techniques and receiving advice and in-depth interaction on specific areas that can prove to be challenging. Level 3 is simply a review/assessment/fine-tuning process to ensure the practitioner is facilitating QHHT exactly the way Dolores Cannon conducted her sessions, in order to preserve the purity of her system. There is no question that it is important to respect the preservation of a well-designed system especially if the designer (Dolores Cannon) is no longer living; however, there is no tangible new QHHT information being taught to the practitioner during the Level 3 review. They have been taught everything they need to know to have successful sessions through Levels 1 and 2.

Many QHHT practitioners are also trained in other healing modalities. At times, a QHHT practitioner may feel inspired to include portions of other modalities to their sessions, thereby offering the client what the practitioner may intuitively believe to be a more comprehensive healing session. With this in view, many competent, successful Level 2 practitioners choose to not attend Level 3 because it precludes them from adding anything beyond what Dolores taught. When searching for a QHHT practitioner, it is important to understand that the client and the practitioner will be guided to one another by a Higher Power. If the client expects a session in exactly the way Dolores did her sessions, then it is important to ask the practitioner if they deviate in any way from her method. If the client pays attention to how they feel as they interact with the potential practitioner, their own Higher Self will ultimately let them know if the fit is a good one.

2. What is transpersonal hypnotherapy? 

Transpersonal hypnotherapy connects body, mind and Spirit in the healing process, typically regressing the client into their past to find the root of current challenges. This could  be the past of the current life or it may be a past life. Past life regression involves a gentle hypnotic regression with guidance through an appropriate past life - one that will provide information relevant to the client's current life, its struggles, challenges, interpersonal relationships and illnesses.  Sometimes regressing to earlier times within the current life is all that is needed to find answers, solutions and healing, however it is not uncommon for multiple past lives to be shown during a session.  Generally, approximately 95% of my clients will recall past life memories.  In its infinite wisdom, Spirit always selects which past lives to review and it never misses the mark.

Looking at our past can be amazingly enlightening with regards to making sense out of the present. Oftentimes, Spirit takes us to specific moments in the current lifetime which offers us clear answers and clarification for our current struggles. We aren't always taken to past lifetimes. It is important to understand that the present lifetime is the most important one because we are experiencing it in real time and how we deal with our current challenges is paramount to our soul's advancement.

For the client who is unable to undertake their own healing session for some reason (language barriers, mental health issues, fragile health status, etc.), a surrogate session through another caring individual can be a successful alternative to consider. Also, those individuals who have had a near death experience (NDE) or out-of-body experience (OBE), transpersonal hypnotherapy has proven to be highly successful in assisting the individual to gain understanding and make sense out of what they experienced during the NDE or OBE. 

3. Where do the answers come from when in trance?

Approximately one-tenth of the mind is the conscious mind. It protects you, believing that logic is the answer to life's dilemmas.  It often attempts to take credit for the information obtained within the hypnosis session.  Once respectfully placed to the side, the conscious mind's absence allows the individual's higher consciousness to reflect on how to regain a state of health without having to repeat illness and disease over and over again. Religions and spiritual teachers have attempted to identify and label this infinitely wiser part of you throughout history using a variety of terms such as the Higher Self, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, Universal Mind, Oversoul and so on.  I encourage you to visit Dolores Cannon's QHHT website at for more in-depth information.

4. How deep is the hypnosis trance?  Can everyone be hypnotized?  Do I lose control?

While in a trance, the client never loses control and is able to stop the process at any time. In fact, we go into a hypnotic state naturally when we are falling asleep, waking up, reading a book or watching a movie. We also experience a hypnotic state known as "road hypnosis", arriving at our destination without having to give it much thought at all.


5. How does healing occur?

Healing is much more than the suppression of troublesome symptoms that tell us something is wrong.  Once we listen to them and to the messages they send, we can find the answer to the underlying root of disease.  When Spirit attempts to tell us something is wrong, we often don't listen. Spirit will then send the message via physical symptoms because Spirit knows we will listen when we hurt.

Life exploration offers the individual greater understanding through expansion of their perspective of the world in which we live, offering a more holistic sense of interpersonal relationships. The individual is able to connect with a very deep, intimate part of their past, enabling a clearing of those negative energies that stunt growth, cause disease and prevent healing.  Time and time again, I have witnessed a healing brought forth purely by the individual grasping the fact that the body is attempting to communicate illness through physical or emotional symptoms.  Once those symptoms are recognized as messages of discord and disease from a very deep and sacred place within the individual, the proverbial "aha!" moment occurs and healing follows.  When and how the healing occurs is entirely up to the individual and how they interpret and engage with the information received. 

Through his research in cloning human muscle cells, cell biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton found that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions affect our cellular behavior.  Establishing direct communication with your innate higher consciousness can also provide the basis for healing.  You may experience instant healing and clarity about your life or you may see gradual improvement over days, weeks, or months.  It all depends upon what is best for you and your life's lessons and how they are intended to unfold.  Healing cannot be must be "allowed".

6. Is transpersonal hypnotherapy a replacement for medical care? 

Transpersonal hypnotherapy should never be relied on in place of seeking professional medical advice, treatment or diagnosis nor should professional medical care be disregarded or delayed because of something you interpreted on this website.  You should  promptly seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any medical conditions or concerns you may have

Hypnotherapy should  be thought of as a powerful adjunct to the care provided by the healthcare provider.  Once the concept of personal responsibility in the healing process is received and understood, the individual is capable of healing far beyond expectations.  The practitioner simply serves as an experienced guide through this process.

7. Does transpersonal hypnotherapy work for everyone?  

Healing can occur only if an individual wants to be healed and is ready to be healed, if the healing is in alignment with their Soul's evolution,  and if it does not interfere with the spiritual goals of their current lifetime.  We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. For example, the blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life that he agreed to experience in order to progress spiritually.  Despite how much an individual believes they want to be healed, the possibility of healing is lessened if the individual does not believe it can or will occur or if there is a deep-seated need to hold on to the disease because it "serves a purpose" for the individual in this lifetime.  As difficult as it may be to comprehend, there are those individuals who define themselves through their disease.  Sadly, they hold onto the pain and suffering the way a drowning swimmer holds onto a lifejacket, as if their personal identity depends on it for survival.  The lifejacket serves a purpose.  Unfortunately, quite the opposite is true in holding onto disease.

The individual will receive exactly what is "needed" for healing at this time in their life.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Therefore, it is important to arrive for a session with no expectations.

8. Can we do a session online?

The QHHT Academy does not permit online sessions. In order to respect that restriction, I will do a QHHT session exactly the way Dolores taught it upon the request of the client. Otherwise, as a master clinical hypnotherapist, I have developed my own system of transpersonal regression hypnosis by combining the valuable information learned through studying QHHT and Introspective Hypnosis and with 40 years of nursing and the understanding of how the body and mind connect in the healing process. All sessions are done in-person.

9. Do I have to believe in reincarnation and past lives for a successful  session?

A personal belief in reincarnation and past lives is absolutely not necessary to undergo a successful session.  The most important belief is believing in yourself and the inherent ability of your body to heal itself.  Your very wise higher consciousness will present visions, pictures, thoughts, feelings and emotions to you in ways through which you are able to make sense of the information it gives you.  It's like having a technicolor day dream.  The higher consciousness believes in perfect health so providing you with the most appropriate time, place and information for insight and understanding is its goal.  Rather than thinking of it as a past life, think of it as a story through which you can learn, grow and heal.


10. How long will my hypnotherapy session take?
Typically, a session will last around 5 hours.  This includes a thorough interview and education followed by the trance session and a post-discussion. It all depends on you, your ability to relax and trust the process, your conscious mind's resistance and your ability to allow your higher consciousness to come forward. I set aside the entire day for you, to ensure that so we are not rushed in any way.

11. Can I resume my usual activities after my session? 

Because the length of a session is unpredictable, I advise against making plans following your session as rushing impedes progress and healing.  You may feel exhilarated after the session; however, you will still need some time to re-orient yourself, depending on the depth and breadth of your trance.  So, a restful post-session period is advised.  Think of it as gifting yourself with time and space to appreciate and savour the experience.

You should increase your intake of water for the rest of the day to help remove the toxins released during the self-healing process.  You should bring a light snack for after your session to help re-ground you, then you should eat your next meal at the usual time and retire to bed at your usual time.  Try to avoid sleeping right after the session in order to prevent disturbing your body's natural rhythm and flow.  If you are driving a long distance after the regression session, I recommend having someone else drive for you to ensure your safe return.

12. Where will my session take place?

Your in-person session will take place at the Healing Room of One Spirit Integrative Medicine in Fort Macleod. The Healing Room has a zero-gravity bed to support your body in the most ergonomically comfortable position while you relax. It is located on an acreage in the countryside with beautiful vistas in every direction and is peaceful with no distractions to interrupt our time together. In the colder winter months, plug-in accessibility is available for your vehicle's block heater. Online sessions are held in your own location where you can relax in the comfort and safety of your own environment. 

13. Can I bring anyone to my session?

Your session is a confidential discussion between you and your practitioner.  It will involve some very private dialogue between us, so having someone else present during the session is not permitted.  Also, having another person present may alter the energy in the room, preventing a sufficiently deep trance thereby hindering a successful session - this includes online sessions

14. What do we talk about during the session?  What kind of questions can I ask?

The first hour or two of your session consists of a discussion between us during which time we discuss your current life. You will provide me with some specific questions to ask your higher consciousness while you are in trance.  We will also review the spiritual nature of healing as well as the hypnosis induction process so there are no surprises for you. 

15. How does 'left brain' and 'right brain' thinking affect a transpersonal session? What if I am analytical?

According to the left-brain/right-brain dominance theory, the left side is considered to be more in tune with logic, critical thinking, reasoning, and analysis whereas the right side is better at creativity, expressing emotions, music,  images and intuition.  We use both sides, however one side usually dominates.  The left-brain thinker is exactly that - a "thinker" using the conscious mind - and this can make the process of getting to a deep level of trance a bit more of a challenge.  Just a challenge, not an impossibility.....

For the individual who has difficulty visualizing, it helps to understand that the part of the mind that will be called upon during a session is the same part of the mind used in visualizing day-to-day.  For instance, we visualize as we read a good book or as we imagine what our bedroom or kitchen looks like, how our pet feels when touched or how certain music makes us feel.  It comes to us naturally but only if we allow it to occur.   The practitioner is trained to assist the client to work through these hiccups if and when they do occur.

16. How do I schedule a session?

Weekday sessions are available.  Please email me directly for session availability and for further information. To book a session, see the Contact page. 

17. Do you do speaking engagements or group sessions?

A speaking engagement offers me the opportunity to share the beauty of transpersonal hypnotherapy.   A group session offers your group the opportunity to engage in the beauty of the experience.  I do both. 

Medical disclaimer: The contents and information displayed on this website are for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Heather Gunn will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the application of information on this website or through transpersonal hypnotherapy, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Introspective Hypnosis, Reiki session, Reiki education or Unity Field Healing (UFH).